Pink: The next Sparkle of Dust flies onto Kickstarter Alex Casey Children's Books Fiction Inspirational Titles LGBTQ+ Martyn S Pentecost mPowr Books Sparkle of Dust Series by Richard Hagen - January 30, 2024January 30, 2024 A little mote of stardust takes shape as the universe spins into being. And so the adventure begins—exploring, experiencing and guiding us on a journey through human history, particularly of those men who are different, distinctive and diverge from the expectations of society. Pink is a uniquely powerful book for young
Blue Alex Casey Children's Books Fiction Inspirational Titles Martyn S Pentecost mPowr Books by Richard Hagen - September 19, 2023September 19, 2023 Blue(Part Two of The Sparkle of Dust Trilogy) Martyn S. Pentecost and Alex CaseyISBN: 978-1-907282-99-7 Publication: 28/9/2023 Tommy lives in the great big Blue, the bluest blue you ever knew. Tommy is different to the other Tompot Blennies in The Blue, because Tommy is empathic. He feels the pain and distress of others and
From book to online course to product business: Lucia Knight’s journey Blog Lucia Knight by Richard Hagen - January 13, 2022September 22, 2023
Dancing with Fear and Confidence Business mPowrment Careers Corporate Strategy Human Resources Inspirational Titles Latest Releases Laura Walker mPowr Books Resourcing Workplace by Richard Hagen - November 5, 2020September 29, 2021 How to liberate yourself and your career in mid-life Author: Laura Walker ISBN: 9781907282942 Paperback, 158 pages – b&w with illustrations Published: 12 November 2020 When you want to escape the drudgery and dissatisfaction of your current situation you need much more than motivational pep talks or superficial clichés. You have many years of work ahead of
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Your Money or Your Life Inspirational Titles mPowr Books Personal Finance Steve Conley by Richard Hagen - June 6, 2019September 4, 2019 Your Money or Your Life Unmask the highway robbers-Enjoy wealth in every area of your life Author: Steve Conley ISBN: 9781907282775 Paperback, 170 pages Published: 6 June 2019 If you are two pay cheques from poverty… You are not alone. More than 60% of people in the UK are in the same terrifying position: Shackled to the treadmill of work
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DARE – Domestic Abuse Rescue Essentials Diana Onuma Inspirational Titles Latest Releases mPowr Books Therapy and Spirituality Women by Richard Hagen - March 8, 2019June 12, 2019 DARE: How to claim your freedom when the need to leave overcomes the reasons to stay Author: Diana Onuma ISBN: 9781907282928 Paperback, illustrated, 106 pages Published: 8 March 2019 Are you ready to DARE? Are you desperate to break free from the relationship that once offered so much but now traps, restricts and damages you and those around