Blue Alex Casey Children's Books Fiction Inspirational Titles Martyn S Pentecost mPowr Books by Richard Hagen - September 19, 2023September 19, 2023 Blue(Part Two of The Sparkle of Dust Trilogy) Martyn S. Pentecost and Alex CaseyISBN: 978-1-907282-99-7 Publication: 28/9/2023 Tommy lives in the great big Blue, the bluest blue you ever knew. Tommy is different to the other Tompot Blennies in The Blue, because Tommy is empathic. He feels the pain and distress of others and
Not Pink Not Blue Alex Casey Children's Books LGBTQ+ Martyn S Pentecost mPowr Books by mPowr Publishing - July 20, 2022July 20, 2022 Not Pink Not Blue(Part One of The Sparkle of Dust Trilogy) Martyn S. Pentecost and Alex CaseyISBN: 978-1-907282-75-1 Jayce is not pink. Jayce is not blue. Jayce cannot understand why Mummy and Daddy say Jayce is pink or blue. On a trip to the big city, Jayce is separated from their parents and is lost